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I thought, in my sixteen-year-old wisdom, that I’d try blowing the socks off of my fellow AP English Composition students with our term project.

Much Ado About Nothing

Teachers always have some vague notion about how it’s going to be the most “relatable” of the plays—and the relative lack of bloody deaths and disturbing family dynamics is just a bonus.

The Ball Jar

She believes he is a hypocrite, as he strives to become a Linkedin cryptobro while downplaying her own efforts to become a deinfluencer.

The Office

Michael Scott is a menace and I still don’t know how his character became so fucking popular among millennials.

One Body Dysmorphic

You sit inside the dedicated four walls that purportedly house the holy body, but your own body feels bad because you’ve been led to believe you can’t feel anything else.

the post calvin