Calvin Writers Recommend
Albion Review,,Print (1/year),”≤15 pages or ≤5 poems”,”A national undergraduate literary journal.”,More,Website
Allegheny Review,,Print (1/year),”≤20 pages or ≤5 poems”,A national journal of undergraduate literature,More,Website
“The Banner”,,Print (12/year),600-1200 words,The official monthly publication of the Christian Reformed Church in North America,More,Website
Black Warrior Review,,Print (2/year),”≤7,000 words or ≤5 poems”,”A semiannual magazine of fiction, poetry, essays, art, comics, and reviews”,More,Website
Brevity,,Online (4/year),”≤750 words”,A journal of concise literary nonfiction,More,Website
Burnside Writers Collective,,Online (Daily-Weekly),”≤1000 words”,An online magazine presenting an alternative to franchise faith,More,Website
Button,,Print (1/year),”300-2,000 words or 1-3 poems”,New England’s tiniest magazine of poetry and fiction and gracious living,More,Website
The Carolina Quarterly,,Print (3/year),”≤25 pages or ≤6 poems”,”Literary journal covering fiction, poetry, essays, nonfiction, artwork and reviews”,More,Website
catapult magazine,,Online (biweekly),Unspecified,unite. learn. serve.,More,Website
The Chattahoochee Review,,Print (4/year),Unspecified,The literary quarterly of Georgia Perimeter College,More,Website
The Christian Century,,Print (biweekly),Unspecified,A progressive ecumenical magazine based in Chicago,More,Website
Clackamas Literary Review,,Print (1/year),”One story or ≤4 poems”,”Clackamas Literary Review is a nationally distributed, annual print journal”,More,Website
The Claremont Review,,Print (2/year),”≤5,000 words”,The international magazine of young authors 13-19 years old,More,Website
Collision,,Print (2/year),”≤3,000 words or ≤5 poems”,Dedicated to publishing student poetry and nonfiction prose,More,Website
The Colorado Review,,Print (3/year),15-25 pages,A national literary journal,More,Website
The Conium Review,,Print (2/year),”≤3 flash (≤1000 words), ≤2 short story, 1 novella (≤15,000 words) or ≤5 poems”,”A journal seeking innovative writing. Make it weird.”,More,Website
Crab Orchard Review,,Print (2/year),”≤25 pages or ≤6 poems”,”A journal of creative works”,More,Website
Crazyhorse Literary Journal,,Print (2/year),”≤8,500 words or 3-5 poems”,”To publish the entire spectrum of today’s fiction, essays, and poetry”,More,Website
Creative Nonfiction,,Print (4/year),”≤5,000 words”,The voice of the genre,More,Website
Cricket,,Print (9/year),”200-2,000 words or poem ≤50 lines”,A literature magazine for kids ages 9-14,More,Website
Drunken Boat,,Online (12/year),”≤5,000 words or ≤3 poems”,International Online Journal of the Arts,More,Website
Ecotone,,Print (2/year),”≤30 pages or ≤5 poems”,Reimagining Place,More,Website
The First Line,,Print (4/year),”300-3,000 (fiction) or 500-800 (nonfiction)”,An eclectic journal that requires submissions to begin with a provided first line,More,Website
Geez,,Print (4/year),50-500 words,Holy mischief in an age of fast faith,More,Website
The Georgia Review,,Print (4/year),”One story or 3-5 poems”,”A quarterly publication of essays, short fiction, poetry, reviews, and art”,More,Website
Glimmer Train,,Print (4/year),”≤12,000 words”,Quarterly magazine of literary short fiction,More,Website
Gulf Coast,,Print (2/year),”≤7,000 words or 3-5 poems”,A journal of literature and fine arts,More,Website
Gulf Stream,,Print and online (2/year),”≤10,000 words or ≤5 poems”,Literary magazine published by Creative Writing Program at Florida International University,More,Website
H.O.W. Journal,,Print (2/year),”≤8,000 words or ≤5 poems”,Helping Orphans Worldwide,More,Website
Hanging Loose Magazine,,Print (3/year),”1 story or ≤6 poems”,Dedicated to publishing new writers and old writers whose work deserves a larger audience,More,Website
Hayden’s Ferry Review,,Print (2/year),”1 prose piece or ≤6 poems”,Semiannual magazine,More,Website
The Hudson Review,,Print (4/year),”≤10,000 words or ≤7 poems”,Celebrating sixty years of literature and the arts,More,Website
Image,,Print (4/year),”≤6,000 words or ≤5 poems”,A journal of the arts and religion,More,Website
The Iowa Review,,Print (3/year),Unspecified,”A literary journal carrying fiction, poetry, essays, and reviews”,More,Website
The Louisville Review,,Print (4/year),1 story or ≤5 poems,A literary magazine since 1976,More,Website
The Malahat Review,,Print and Online (4/year),”1,200-8,000 words or 5-10 poems”,Essential Poetry & Fiction,More,Website
McSweeney’s,,Print (4/year),Unspecified,Timothy McSweeney’s Politics Surprise the Other Missionaries,More,Website
Mid-American Review,,Print (2/year),”≤6,000 words or ≤6 poems”,”Est. 1972, international since 1980″,More,Website
The Mississippi Review,,Online (4/year),”1,000-8,000 words or 3 poems”,Online version of the literary magazine published by the Center for Writers at the University of Southern Mississippi,More,Website
Narrative Magazine,,Online (3/year),”500-15,000 words or ≤5 poems”,An online publication of various literary genres,More,Website
New Ohio Review,,Print (2/year),Unspecified,a publication of the Creative Writing Program of Ohio University’s English Department,More,Website
Ninth Letter,,Print (2/year),”≤8,000 words or 3-6 poems”,A collaborative between the Creative Writing Program and the School of Art and Design at UICA,More,Website
The North Central Review,,Print (2/year),”≤5,000 words between 1-2 prose pieces or ≤5 poems”,Publishing exclusively the writings and works of undergraduate students,More,Website
The Other Journal,,Online (4/year),”≤2,500 words or ≤6 poems”,An Intersection of Theology and Culture,More,Website
The Oxford American,,Print and online (4/year),1 prose piece or 3-5 poems,The Southern magazine of good writing,More,Website
Painted Bride Quarterly,,Print and online (4/year),”≤5,000 words fiction or ≤3,000 words nonfiction or ≤5 poems”,A peer-edited journal devoted to publishing rigorous works of undergraduate scholarship,More,Website
Perspectives,,Print and online (10/year),”≤3,000 words”,A journal of theology in the broad Reformed tradition,More,Website
Ploughshares,,Print (3/year),”Around 5,000 words or ≤5 poems”,”Award-winning poetry, fiction, essays, and memoirs”,More,Website
The Point,,Print and online (4-8/year),”4,000-7,000 word essays or 1,000-2,500 word reviews”,A Chicago-based print journal publishing rigorous but accessible writing about contemporary life,More,Website
Prairie Margins,,Print (1/year),”≤6,000 words or ≤6 poems”,An undergraduate literary magazine,More,Website
Relief Journal,,Print (2/year),”≤8,000 words fiction ≤5,000 nonfiction ≤1,000 words poetry”,”A Christian Literary Expression”,More,Website
River Teeth,,Print (2/year),Unspecified,A journal of nonfiction narrative,More,Website
Rock & Sling,,Print (2/year),”≤5000 words or ≤5 poems”,A literary journal of witness,More,Website
Ruminate,,Print and online (4/year),”≤5,000 total words in 1/2 prose pieces or ≤3 poems”,Faith in literature and art,More,Website
The Seattle Review,,Print (2/year),”≥40 pages prose or ≥10 pages poetry”,”Wholly committed to the publication of longer works of poetry, novellas, and lyric essays”,More,Website
Shenandoah,,Print (3/year),”≤25 pages or ≤5 poems”,”To encourage imagination, precision, prudence, diversity and daring”,More,Website
Sleet Magazine,,Digital (2/year),”Unspecified”,”A journal seeking the unexpected”,More,Website
Soft blow,,Online (monthly),”4-6 poems”,”An online home for contemporary poetry from all over the world”,More,Website
Sojourners,,Print and online (12/year),”1,200-3,000 word articles; 500-1,000 word reviews; 1-3 poems”,”A Christian magazine concerned with faith, politics, and culture”,More,Website
The Splinter Generation,,Online (often),”≤2,500 words or ≤3 poems”,An online generational literary compilation,More,Website
Storyscape,,Online (2/year),One prose piece or ≤5 poems,”truth / untruth / we don’t know and they won’t tell us”,More,Website
Strange Horizons,,Online (weekly),”5,000-9,000 word fiction; 2,000-5,000 nonfiction articles; 1,500-2,000 word reviews, ≤100 line poems”,A weekly speculative fiction magazine,More,Website
TriQuarterly,,Print (3/year),”≤3,500 words or ≤6 poems”,”Features fiction, poetry, literary essays, and graphic art”,More,Website
Zaum,,Print (1/year),”≤5,000 words or ≤5 poems”,”A literary and art magazine providing college students a venue for publishing their work”,More,Website [/table]
Data and analyses compiled by Alissa Goudswaard (’10)
Formatted and updated by Josh deLacy (’13)
Further updated by Sarah Ball (’14)
Calvin Writers Recommend
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Evaluate a literary journal by its:
History – journals that have been around longer are, as a general rule, better.
Number of submissions they receive – the top journals receive more than 1,000 each month.
Payment for contributors – only successful, established journals can usually afford to pay writers.
Print issues – better known and respected journals will at least as a print anthology, even if most of their other work is online.
Other resources for evaluating literary journals: Writer’s Relief, Bookfox, and Perpetual Folly.