Your favorite ethically-sourced crystal supplier just messaged you, saying your order is backlogged for an additional two weeks. The full moon is opposing Mars, so your selenite will have to be recharged.

That selenite is just glass, manufactured to look like a rock. The Etsy account owner got it off Amazon in bulk, and your order is sitting on a barge off the coast of California, waiting to dock.

You decide to call your grandparents, who tell you that not being able to get extra sauce packets at Chick-fil-A is evidence of America’s decline as a superpower.

Tough call. Because chicken producers have been unable to produce chicken, short supply and rising prices have made it difficult for chains to maintain retail cost, so they’re cutting back in other ways. Additionally, the increased demand for takeout has overwhelmed available stock. The excessive dramatics might just be because your grandpa is a Leo though.

TikTok demand for roller skates has remained through the roof since last year. This was a bummer for your Halloween costume, which is a sexy Hogwarts student but like, not a basic sexy Hogwarts student, because you would be on roller skates.

Because the sun is in Libra, it’s making a square with Pluto in Capricorn to the house of your social endeavors. This was a sign for you to withdraw into your inner circle and go for a costume that is not as mobile.

The used car market has been so insane that you take the leap of faith and shop for a new vehicle from a questionable Facebook Marketplace listing. Your dad remains a skeptic of this strategy, while you’re coming to terms with the reality that a 1996 Toyota Camry costs $4,500 right now.

Car companies and manufacturers, expecting a recession to follow the COVID-19 restrictions, greatly reduced output, so parts manufacturers started selling to other vendors. When everyone and their mother embraced the optimism of #vaxxgirlsummer, dipped into the sudden stimulus cash influx and bought a car, the companies were unprepared, running back to their previous suppliers. 

(Kinda like how Scorpios redirecting their energy more fully to their work/life balance can be a touch unwieldy post-moon face off with Saturn.)

Your boyfriend has been moody all week, and you’re pretty sure it has to do with work. You think it involves the difficulty of sourcing parts, but every time you ask, it’s like he refuses to clarify. He told you that the business “synergy” is off and that you just wouldn’t get it.

Corporate speak is astrology for men. Sounds like a Gemini.


Header photo courtesy of the Port of Los Angeles.

1 Comment

  1. Christina Ribbens

    ’01 Camry over here, I feel you. Loved this demonstration of the confusion that comes with trying to make sense of the world.


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