Genres Accepted: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, review
Medium: Print (3/year)
Established: 1970
Circulation: 2,500
Tagline: A literary journal carrying fiction, poetry, essays, and reviews
Payment: $25 for the first page and $15 for each subsequent page of prose and poetry
About: The Iowa Review is published three times annually. The reading period not reserved for unsolicited manuscripts is used for reading submissions for the Iowa Review Award.
The Iowa Review Web ( is an online publication featuring electronic literature and experimental writing and art, and has been publishing electronic literature since 1999. Writers interested in having work considered for publication should send a query e-mail with relevant autobiographical information, a brief description of work in general, and information about the work for submission (including, when appropriate, the URL of the work). Send query e-mails to Editor Jon Winet at
Analysis: The Iowa Review is a small but stately publication, and includes a very high caliber of writing, frequently including known and established writers. Their website proclaims, though, “Discovering a new and compelling writer, one we’d never heard of before but whose writing comes through to us—that still seems the magic of our work.”
Calvin Connection: Professor L.S. Klatt (English) has published in The Iowa Review
Hekman Availability: Not available