Genres Accepted: fiction, poetry, drama
Categories: Undergraduates/Young Authors,
Medium: Print (2/year)
Established: 1991
Tagline: The international magazine of young authors
Payment: $10/page
About: The Claremont Review publishes each spring and fall. Most work published by The Claremont Review is by Canadians, but they welcome submissions from anywhere in the English-speaking world. All submissions accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope receive a written comment on their work.
The Claremont Review also holds an annual writing contest (also for ages 13-19).
Sample passages are available online:
Analysis: The Claremont Review publishes a high caliber of young adult work. The sample pieces come from a smattering of issues, from #1-#34 (they’ve published 35 issues), and showcase very short, lyric prose pieces, and accessible free verse poems.
Calvin Connection:
Hekman Availability: Not available
Contributors are 13-19 years of age.