Genres Accepted: Flash, short story, creative nonfiction, and irregulars (genre-crossing writing)
Medium: Digital (2/year)
Established: 2009
Tagline: Ice Crystal Rain? Why don’t you just call it Sleet?
Payment: None
About: Sleet hails from the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. We love language and the written word, and we welcome both the beautiful and anti-beautiful.
Sleet seeks the unexpected. Make us laugh, cry, think. Our crew possesses a wide variety of tastes and styles, from classic to center to edge, but it is craft and passion that drive us.
Calvin Connection: Calvin grads Bethany Tap(’12) and Jake Schepers (’12) have both published in Sleet.
Hekman Availability: No, but full magazine available free online at Sleet’s website