Genres Accepted: Poetry, fiction, critical prose, personal essays, reviews
Medium: Print (3/year)
Established: 1950
Circulation: 2,000
Tagline: To encourage imagination, precision, prudence, diversity and daring
Payment: $2.50 per line of poetry ($200 max); $25.00 per page of prose ($200 max)
About: Shenandoah publishes through and is supported by Washington and Lee University. It is published triannually.
According to Shenandoah, 40% of manuscripts they publish are by new authors. They encourage essays and mainstream short stories. They do not accept any inspirational or confessional poetry and stress that submissions cannot be sloppy, hasty, or slight. Shenandoah also specifically stresses the importance of a cover letter in their selection process. Samples of previous published works are available on their website.
Shenandoah run annual contests for works that have been published in their review.
Analysis: Although they include daring in their tagline, Shenandoah does not appear to be the place to try out experimentation. The review stresses the mainstream, as is evidenced by the samples available on their website. There is also an emphasis throughout Shenandoah‘s submission process on pristine manuscripts. However, 40% of the manuscripts that Shenandoah publishes are new writers. This may be a good avenue for aspiring writers to be published (and paid!) through.
Calvin Connection:
Hekman Availability: Not available