The Other Journal

Genres Accepted: fiction, nonfiction, poetry

Categories: Religious Publications, Themed Issues

Medium: Online (4/year)

Established: 2003


Tagline: “An Intersection of Theology and Culture”

Payment: None

About: The Other Journal is an online quarterly magazine examining the intersection of theology and culture. The website proclaims that “the audience of The Other Journal includes church leaders and theologians, scholars and students, hipsters and artists, bookworms and movie buffs, ragamuffins and the unchurched, and Web surfers of every stripe.”

Articles in The Other Journal are divided into five sections: Examination, “theological engagement of current events, cultural trends, and political movements;” Creation, “an interactive art gallery that invites you to experience the diverse work of unique artists;” Imagination, “a hub of fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry;” Perspective, “reviews and interview reflecting on theological themes in film, music, and literature;” and Praxis, “articles illuminating practical incarnations of theological convictions.”

Analysis: The Other Journal is a high-quality online religious publication. The writing is good, and the content is thought-provoking. Themes like The Aesthetics Issue, Atheism, Pop Revolutions, Earth to Christians, etc., lend some organization to broad and encompassing issues.

Calvin Connection: Calvin professors Debra Rienstra (English), Rebecca DeYoung (philosophy), and Janel Curry (geology and geography) have all been published in The Other Journal. Calvin philosophy student Jasmine Wilson (2012) keeps a regular blog, “Ex Veritate Vita,” for The Other Journal.

Hekman Availability: Not available

Submission Instructions

the post calvin