Field Notes on Hunting
It is remarkably easy to forget the fullness of story in each chicken breast.
It is remarkably easy to forget the fullness of story in each chicken breast.
Neon, the element named for the concept of novelty itself, is now hanging onto its public relevance by a thread of nostalgia.
The rawness of this proximity to life makes me feel vulnerable, sort of like therapy but without the armchairs.
At that moment, Cline walked up and said, in his miraculously gentle drawl, “You can take her home if you want to.”
One of the things about moving around a lot is that people start to ask you, “Does it feel like home?”
I learned that home is a team sport.
The South American gem grinned when I responded to her beautifully-accented English in Spanish, and spoke again, “Digame si no me entiende. ¿Ok?”
So consider this a love letter from your faraway child.
No algorithm is going to teach mandated reporters that white families are just as dangerous as other families.
My little bubble of relationships and routines exists for me to serve it with compassion, not for me to overlook it because something more interesting is on the horizon.