Walking Through Time
The grass was green, fading to tan as it does during winter in the South; 160 years ago the ground would have been stained with blood.
The grass was green, fading to tan as it does during winter in the South; 160 years ago the ground would have been stained with blood.
While this might seem like an emergency scenario, it was, in fact, because there was no parking next to a music venue for Ubers to pick up drunk patrons.
Rainy days have always felt exceedingly genuine.
Are we one, two, or three-ply people?
There’s no time to let my mind wander when a two-ton Water Oak limb is hurtling toward the ground.
The mantra for dealing with predators is summarized succinctly by the three S’s: shoot, shovel, and shut up.
There was separation of church and state in the Town and Country.
For a moment, I wondered if I should be embarrassed. Then I remembered that loving Tom Petty is not embarrassing.
This is the curtain call, a standing ovation for being present. We all saw the curtain between earth and heaven rise and fall again.
Christmas is always the musk of dusty angel robes and glow of Christmas tree lights on the hardwood floor. Easter, however, is rarely the same twice.