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The beasts in my life are not external. There are no monsters that I have to defeat. There is no dragon standing in my way, blocking my path. There is only me.

Showing Up

So thank you, Anne, for inspiring me on Friday to laugh, to show up (I almost didn’t come to the talk. Isn’t that silly?), and to tell my version of things.

Food of Love

“Miss, do you even love your husband anymore?” The truth is, I don’t really care about the lovey-dovey Valentine’s Day. What I do care about is our family tradition.


Every year, the Romans made promises to the god, Janus (hence January), who was often depicted as two-faced: one facing front and one facing back.


I was that kid who freaked out when my ice cream sandwich broke in half. I remember being five years old at my grandparents’ house, shrieking in agony over the broken dessert.


About two years ago, I realized that garage sales were not worth my time. Estate sales were the thing. Estate sales had quality merchandise. Entire walls of blue Mason jars. Complete sets of dishes and silverware.

Where is God?

I wanted my career to be challenging. I wanted to do something that seemed to be helping the screwed up world we live in. But I’m having a hard time getting back into this mindset.

Back to School

This year is a different story. Now I’m the teacher. While I got through my first year of teaching, every time I get asked the question, “How did your first year go?” I answer, “Really hard.”


With marriage has come the inevitable marriage-y questions, which—don’t get me wrong—are fun to answer because it means I get to talk about myself. But I do feel like my answers are underwhelming.

the post calvin