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An Ode to the Gathering

I write about how much I miss a recently-defunct business because the Gathering, to myself and many, many people, was more than a place to get a good chai.

I…Kind of Hate My Degree

The fact that a stereotypical English major job—or any job, for that matter—didn’t fall in my lap right after graduation isn’t my problem. The mixed messages are.

Hollywood’s Imploding

Call it karma or the consequences of multiple dumb decisions crashing down all at once, but definitely call it multiple facets of Hollywood showing their butts.

The Criminals I’ve Met

There are two types of people who rub me the wrong way: people who can’t take a hint, and people who talk to hear their own voice. Thomas Antonio Inglewood was both.

Old Podcasts

On Christmas of 2015, only the snobbiest of film snobs knew who Harvey Weinstein was, and President Donald Trump was a punchline.

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