More Diaries of a Traveling Therapist
I stepped forward, asking, “Llamas are the ones that spit, right?”
Matt Coldagelli (’14) majored in English writing and psychology at Calvin. He’s currently pursuing a doctorate in clinical psychology with an emphasis on children and adolescents. He watches an absurd amount of TV and is a certified craft beer snob. His emotional wellbeing is overly dependent on Wisconsin sports, and thus he finds himself often in a state of disappointment. Matt lives with his lovely wife and daughter in Phoenix, AZ.
by Matt Coldagelli | Jul 28, 2019 | 0 comments
I stepped forward, asking, “Llamas are the ones that spit, right?”
by Matt Coldagelli | Jun 28, 2019 | 4 comments
Our nation, our culture, our American Empire that we lust after so voraciously does indeed oppress the needy.
by Matt Coldagelli | May 28, 2019 | 0 comments
“You guys definitely are through the worst of it. So you should be alright. You’ve got four wheel drive right?”
by Matt Coldagelli | Apr 28, 2019 | 0 comments
But for me—a Wisconsin sports fan all too familiar with gut-wrenching disappointment—it’s difficult to fully lean into the excitement without the nagging feeling that heartbreak is on the horizon.
by Matt Coldagelli | Mar 28, 2019 | 0 comments
Upon your return to the States, he dubs himself Mayoman, taking to the streets to deliver sweet slippery justice.
by Matt Coldagelli | Feb 28, 2019 | 0 comments
This authenticity and unfettered humanity is what reality TV set out to show the world, and Survivor continues to be the standard bearer.
by Matt Coldagelli | Jan 28, 2019 | 0 comments
I have gagged on the suffocating stench emanating from chicken farms down the road from one of my client’s schools. Each day is truly a new and unique day.
by Matt Coldagelli | Dec 28, 2018 | 0 comments
The problem is not that progressive folks misidentify problems.
by Matt Coldagelli | Nov 28, 2018 | 0 comments
He did not use grand showmanship or elaborate displays. He used simple, humble, everyday love.
by Matt Coldagelli | Oct 28, 2018 | 0 comments
The man: “Wow, how great. Now you be sure to take super special care of that beautiful baby. What’s her name?”
by Matt Coldagelli | Sep 28, 2018 | 0 comments
I located the shutoff valve on the piping and gave it a twist.
by Matt Coldagelli | Aug 28, 2018 | 0 comments
From the kitchen comes the pitter-patter of the pressure cooker, rap tap tapping, hissing spurts of steam, signaling that something delectable will be on the table at the next meal—most likely black beans.
by Matt Coldagelli | Jul 28, 2018 | 0 comments
Not only did this miscreant have the gall to stop far too distant from the proper spot, he had the utter audacity to hesitate and linger when the blessed green light at last showered itself onto us lowly plebeians.
by Matt Coldagelli | Jun 28, 2018 | 0 comments
We are incessantly inundated with tips, narratives, and guidelines for how to be sexy.
by Matt Coldagelli | Apr 29, 2018 | 0 comments
Teenagers, though, go right for the emotional jugular, draining self-esteem and confidence dry and leaving a husk of a defeated therapist.
by Matt Coldagelli | Mar 28, 2018 | 0 comments
Never had I been overcome with such a surge of euphoria accompanied by petrifying fear and grief.
by Matt Coldagelli | Feb 28, 2018 | 0 comments
But that’s not the world we actually inhabit, so why do we continue to encourage kids to engage in these comparisons? And why are we so terrified of negative emotions?
by Matt Coldagelli | Jan 28, 2018 | 0 comments
Before you plunge the pitchforks into my gut and toss the torches on my belongings, hear me out.
by Matt Coldagelli | Dec 28, 2017 | 0 comments
Shrouded in myth, internship was spoken of in the same way people talk about Voldemort: they act as if it’s taboo, but they all secretly love to spread their anxiety and feel a bit naughty.
by Matt Coldagelli | Nov 28, 2017 | 0 comments
My supervisors all tell me you never forget your first patient.
by Matt Coldagelli | Oct 28, 2017 | 0 comments
The winged six-legged something-or-other was diligently scaling the coffee shop window, which was thick with the moist mess of condensation.
by Matt Coldagelli | Sep 28, 2017 | 0 comments
We’ve since come to realize that there’s no perfect way to feel while pregnant. There’s not an emotional experience you’re supposed to have.
by Matt Coldagelli | Aug 28, 2017 | 0 comments
It’s one thing to order pork or enchiladas, but I’ve reached a level of fluency where I want to take my skills beyond family and friends.
by Matt Coldagelli | Jan 30, 2017 | 0 comments
This balancing act bestows a lot of power on therapists. It also becomes a breeding ground for callousness.