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The Other Grammys

The piece is therefore about both an escape from the material and a return to it: its horn calls and dance rhythms are both earthbound and transcendent.


It’s a kind of mental treadmill, a sprint that doesn’t get me anywhere except tired.


From this vantage point, a few tax credits for home solar panels (imagine owning a home!) doesn’t feel like hope.


When I picked it up in disbelief, the beautiful initial N stared (yes, manuscripts can stare) into my soul.

Lone Woolf

“I’ve tried this book before,” said I, “with the success of a sore-legged predator. It stings and slogs in a circus of circumlocutions.”

Master of None

What if our words were less like swords (sharpened, polished) and more like textiles—equally demanding to make, but designed to warm rather than to wound?

The Jersey Shore

Rusty antennae form a kind of industrial crown of thorns, and the typeface doesn’t say “beach day” as much as “we interrupt this program to bring you a SEVERE WEATHER ALERT.”


The employee scanning tickets even told me excitedly that I was the second person ever to use their “add tickets to Apple Wallet” feature.

Monky Business

I watch over my friend’s shoulder as they make mistakes and then correct them, reassured somehow that typos aren’t just a modern malady.

the post calvin