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Psychic Weight

It wasn’t until I beheld him walking away down the Burke-Gilman Trail in his green jacket, until I felt the great charging train of my life switched onto the rails of a wrong parallel reality, that the truth settled itself on my shoulders.

What Literature Has Taught Me

Anyone who tells me that The Hunger Games series is just another YA sci-fi romp will quickly find themselves on the receiving end of a literary argument so blistering they’ll think they were just stung by a swarm of tracker jackers.

My Spring in Five Courses

I have named our pop-up restaurant Le Cabine. This restaurant has everything: grammatical inaccuracy, two cats hanging around at all times, and the world’s first ever Michelin Moon.

Help Wanted

I’m not asking rhetorically. How do you stare down the barrel of the next five years of your life, ten years of your life, rest of your life and not flinch?

Finding Pizza Mind

“Seeing Caribbean fruits on European starches makes me uncomfortable” prompts the listener toward empathy while “You are a traitor to pizza!” will only cause them to clam up.

The Front Runner

Her writing was an act of taking a love that for centuries had been pushed to the margins and defiantly sticking it on the center of the page.

The Way I Came

This February, the Alaskan Way Viaduct will be disassembled. Trucks and cranes will shake loose the concrete foundations before an earthquake has the pleasure, and I’m beginning to realize that I will never be able to leave Seattle the way I came.

The 2018 Golden Gabe Awards

Live from the sugar-buzzed frontal lobe of Gabe Gunnink, welcome to the twenty-ninth annual Golden Gabe Awards! And now, your hosts for the evening, ladies and gentlemen, Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova!

The Marblelympic Spirit

So, please tune in to the Marblelympics because it is the low stakes competition you need in your life, because it is a dazzling little world, and because I really need people I can talk about this with, you guys!

My Only Comfort

Now that my grandma has died, though, I feel almost embarrassed when people comfort me. I find myself dodging and deflecting each earnest, brow-furrowed condolence with chipper sound bytes: “It was a mercy at this point.” “It was a long time coming.” “I actually had a great time with my family. It was so fun to see my cousins from out of town!” I refuse to play into the cliché.

The Great Tassel Shaft

I want the noble purpose of an educator without having to put in the hours. I want to retain a teacher’s saintly glow without having to fight for the daily miracles.

Gays on Ice

Which is why it is so wonderful to see Adam Rippon glorified for his femininity. And which is why it’s so wonderful to see that he does not carry the queer Olympic torch alone.


My heart thunders as I pass the unglittering sign staking out the bucking bronco state: WELCOME TO WYOMING – FOREVER WEST. Here, I think, lies a land I’ve never traveled.

the post calvin