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“Why Did You Wait?”

Of all the regressive, fear-mongering, cynical, hateful, and unethical positions to which the Republican party has hitched its wagon, the vilification of refugees and immigrants is among the most loathsome.

Kaepernick Has A Case

I think the quarterback-turned-activist-turned-political-punching-bag-turned-guy-who-hates-soldiers-and-freedom-for-some-reason has a legitimate case against the NFL.

The Definitive TV Show Primer

It’s finally here: After conducting numerous focus groups, objectively scouring reviews, carefully analyzing plot devices, and synthesizing the results, I am ready to debut The Definitive TV Show Primer.

The Hillary Lie

Hillary has been the target of thousands of sexist attacks on Twitter, including some in which she is blamed for her husband’s affair. Call me crazy, but I find it difficult to imagine a male politician getting blamed for his wife’s improprieties.

University Cost Continues to Rise

As most students and recent graduates know, college tuition has skyrocketed in the past 10-15 years. Private school tuition has certainly trended upward, but it is public university tuition in which the difference has been really pronounced.

To My Friends Who Support Bernie

All I am asking is that if Bernie ends up losing the nomination, please go and vote for Hillary. She may not possess the charisma of Barack Obama or the radical progressiveness of Bernie Sanders, but she is a strong and capable candidate.


He just may be the most interesting candidate in either party because the Lessig campaign is based on one thing and one thing only: leveling the voting playing field.

(De)Segregation Nation

About a month ago, the Supreme Court announced their decisions on three cases in three different realms of society. All will have a significant impact going forward. Two of them—the nationwide legalization of gay marriage and the upholding of health insurance...
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